Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Liam Jonathan at 1

I have seen a lot of ideas, again on Pinterest, that track each year of your child's life by giving a brief glimpse into some of their likes/dislikes at each birthday. With Liam's big 1st birthday now two days away, I thought I would try to do something similar here so maybe one day he can look back at it and smile. Although to say that Liam has like and dislikes would be a lie. The kid is all over the place so instead I will just write about somethings that I am currently observing.

Liam is ALL boy. He loves getting into everything. The few things we have to constantly say "not for Liam" to are the toilet and toilet paper, the dog bowl and the front hall closet which houses some golf clubs that he is dying to get his hands on.

Liam is very independent. Don't try carrying him up the stairs because he can get up there himself crawling. Forget holding the bottle for him any longer or expecting him to fall asleep in your arms. He goes to sleep in his crib now on his own, holding his bottle.

Liam loves bath time. He would sit it there for hours turning into a prune if we would let him. He splashes and laughs and plays and cries when it is time to get out.

Liam loves to eat! Another thing he would do all day long if I let him. His absolute favorites are bananas, green beans and cheese. Randomly he decides he doesn't want to eat something and peas go flying off his tray, but for the most part he eats whatever is put in front of him. He has also tried pretty much everything including peanut butter, fish, and shellfish.

Liam is a giggle monster. Some things that really get him going these days are playing "I'm gonna get you" or when Daddy gets hurt. :) He is also babbling a lot more and can even sometimes get out a "Hi" "Da" or "Mama".

Liam is anything but anti-social. Wherever we go, he is waving at everyone and saying Hi. When he sees other little kids he squeals in delight and walks right up to them wanting to play. The kid is not shy.

Liam is definitely starting to generate an attitude and know exactly what to do to get this way. Case and point, this morning he was walking around holding my hair brush and when I took it away from him so I could get ready, he let out the most pitiful (yet cute) cry and of course stopped the moment I gave it back to him.

Liam is a daddy's boy. I know kids usually go through stages but right now he is all about Dad. If Keith leaves the room for one second, he walks over to the baby gate and stands their grunting and whimpering until he comes back.

Liam will not stop for a second, hence the lack of picture on this post. I tried my hardest last night to get a picture of him but most of them ending up the top of his head or his back. Here's hoping that I can actually get a good picture of him on his birthday!

Liam, we love you and you have been an absolute delight this year. We are so excited to celebrate the big 1!We can't wait to continue to watch you grow and change year after year.

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