Wednesday, November 13, 2013

In the Words of Liam

Admiring the fall display outside of school, points to the Indian corn:
L: "What's this mommy?"
M: "Thats corn."
L: "Oh, punkins eat corn?"

L: "I smell like a fire truck!"

Climbing on the couch arm,
L: "Mom scoot back... I gotta do this!"

M: "Guess who's coming over tonight?"
L: "Pappa??"
M: "No..."
L: "A flashlight!"

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fall Happenings

We have had a REALLY busy and REALLY awesome fall so far. We have attended lots of great events starting with Monsanto family fun day at City Museum. Monsanto really did plan an amazing day for us complete with matching tee shirts!! It was a blast and even better that Liam took a three hour nap when we got home. :)

In addition to a Monsanto family fun day, Scottrade had a family carnival we attended. It was a little chilly out and we were not dress properly but we made the best of the time while we were there. I even won the one carnival game they had there so Liam got a new stuffed dolphin that was his best friend for a few days.

Next up is what has become one of my favorite weekends of the year. We went to Innsbrook for the Trunk or Treat and a trip to the pumpkin patch. Liam and Graham were the cutest pumpkin and fox I have ever seen. This was the first year that Liam actually got into the trick or treating. He loved picking a piece of candy from each person handing out. It was also great to hang out with all our family that night.
The next day we headed to Pumpkins Galore for another beautiful day.

Next event: pumpkin carving at Nonnie's house. Liam did not get into at much as I had hoped but it was still a great time.
We're not done yet... Graham, Liam, Nonnie and I had a wonderful day at the zoo. As soon as we got there, it poured down rain. We were able to duck under a tent just in time. It rained for about 15 minutes and after that, we basically had the zoo to ourself. We enjoyed the train (Graham's first ride) and the baby elephants.

Lastly the boys participated in their daycare Halloween parade and Monsanto had a party for all the kids the day before Halloween. Since it was raining and nasty on Halloween night and we had already participated in so many events, we decided to skip actual Halloween and stayed in and fixed our bathroom sink! :)
And that's not even everything. In between all that, Liam and I went to Disney on Ice, we attended birthday parties and housewarmings, showers and weddings!
It has been an awesome past couple months. We are getting really excited for Graham's first Thanksgiving and Christmas. More to come...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

In the Words of Liam

In attempt to start remembering some of the truly awesome things Liam says, I am going to try and document some on the blog. So here we go with the first "In the Words of Liam":

On the way home from school, Liam points right at a 4 way stop:
L: "What's that way Mommy?"
M: "I don't know. What do you think is that way?"
L: "Um... Breakfast!"

L: "I have to go potty."
M: "Can you wait till you get home?"
L: "Yeah, I hold my horses." 

As I was biting Graham's fingernails:
L: "Mommy what you doing with Graham's finger in your mouth?"
~~Not really funny but probably the longest sentence he has used to date!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Keith!!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! I don't know if I could do it without you. You help so much with the kids and around the house. I know I probably complain, but I am positive you are better than the average husband. ;) 

Your boys and I love you more than you know. You are Liam's best friend! And soon to be Graham's I'm sure!

You truly are my sanity. Always bringing me down reminding me what the important stuff is.

Thanks for every thing you do and for being in my life. You make me smile every day.
Hope you have a wonderful day and we will celebrate tomorrow (we have a sitter!!!!).

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Graham's 4 Month Check Up

As usual and no different from any other family with children, the Costello household has been very busy lately. We've got a lot going on. Keith started a new job a few months back. I started a new job yesterday but have had lots of training and evening events going on prior to that. And Graham and Liam are growing like weeds.
Graham was 4 months on September 29th. Lots to update but here is a quick summary.

At his 4 month check up, he recieved 4 vaccinations (poor little guy). He was in the 30% for weight and 52% for height. I find this very humerous because everyone keeps telling me what a butter ball he is. I think its because of those awesome cheeks!
 At four months he is starting to hold his head up a lot better and putting weight on his legs more often. Which has resulting in us testing out the bouncy seat the the Bumbo. He still is not too sure about the Bumbo but seems to enjoy the bouncy seat. I give him another 2 weeks and he will be all over this stuff.
 He also tried cereal for the first time on Sunday! Despite his face, he loved it. Really only took him a couple bites to get the hang of it and then I couldn't get the stuff in his mouth fast enough. He was crying for more until every last drop was gone!
 We have had some sleeping issues the past few nights. But I can't complain too much since he has been sleeping through the night since about 10 weeks old. Hopefully he is just having some growing pains and teeth aren't coming in yet. We still have him in the rock n play sleeper in our room so this weekend we are probably going to have to transistion to crib!

He is doing so much better with tummy time as seen below. However that doesn't last long. He has figured out how to roll from stomach to back. On his back he can almost roll to his stomach but usually gets stuck and starts crying!
 He, as his always has been, is such a happy baby! He loves to smile and talk and coo. So much fun!
 And I actually got him giggling for the first time the other day. Greatest sound in the world. Ignore the weird sounds I am making, anything for a laugh!
I am sure I have lots more to update on everyone but that is my quick post for now!