Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I know I might sound like a broken record, but man Liam just keeps growing up so fast right in front of our eyes.
I feel like it was just last week that his only trick was rolling over. Now all of a sudden, he can move from a laying position to a sitting position, he can pull himself all the way up on his feet and he can crawl! His favorite thing to do is knock down "towers". So building a block tower on the other side of the room is sure fire way to see him get moving!
In an instance we went from being able to just set him down in his room to play while getting a few things done to now being by his side at every moment. Because if you're not, the kid will hurt himself. He has already had a couple knots on the head to prove it!
So the past couple of days have been spent getting the house ready for this next leg of the journey. Bumbers for the tables and outlet covers have been purchased. The swing has been put away so there is more playing space in the front room. The crib has been lowered, so there is no chance he tumbles out now when he is standing. :) The 6 month clothing has been put away (we are now 7 and a half months). The mobile has been transitioned to just a music box. He got his first sippy cup this weekend and is eating more solid foods and just more food in general! This weekend favorite was scrambled eggs.
Every new phase brings me new anxiety. I am now constantly worried about him getting enough play time, food, etc every day. I worry that I am not sending him with the right things to the babysitters while I am at work all day long. I know that everyday I just need to stop and take a deep breath, worry less and enjoy every minute I have with him through every single one of these transitions.

Here are a few pictures of Liam from the past few days. Enjoy.

Proof that he can now pull himself into a standing position.

All cozy and cuddly on a rainy fall day.

Gymboree Class.

Drinking from a sippy cup in his Sunday finest.

Enjoying the fall weather.

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