Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I know this is my personal opinion, but I really don't think one can experience true unconditional love until they have a child. Before Liam, I loved Keith and I loved my family. I loved fall weather and a good bottle of wine or curling up on the couch with a good movie. I loved traveling and days off of work and eating at good restaurants. But I didn't really know how love could shake me to the core until the night of February 2nd.
Liam arrived and my whole world changed forever. I never fully knew the concept of being willing to give up everything for yourself in order to make another one happy.
It is the little things like needing a new pairs of shoes, but buying one for Liam instead. Or not really worrying about missing a party or my favorite TV show or staying up to date with movies because I am instead perfectly happy sitting on the couch watching my baby sleep in my arms.
It is also the big things like already have high hopes and dreams for him to making decisions everyday that assure he is getting everything he needs to grow up and live the most perfect life he can.

I swear he gets cuter everyday. Each morning when I walk into his room and he is lying in his crib (or these days standing up), waiting for me and he gives me that sleepy eye smile, I just melt. Every picture I snap of him I think is a million times better than the one I got yesterday. I just can't get enough of the kid.
Love is different these days and better in every way. It makes me wonder how I am going to be able to love my next child as much as I love Liam, but nothing ceases to amaze me these days.
Here are a few pictures that you can't help but fall in love with...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Constant State of Change

I realized this weekend that our house will forever be in a constant state of chnage now that we have a child. A couple of months ago I posted a picture of our living room and the 6+ baby contraptions that were crammed in there. I thought that was humorous.
Well here is what our living room looks like now:

We have graduated from swings and Bumbos to primary color letter blocks, toys and bumper padded tables. I think style and organization are officialy out the window. I mean just look at the dining room table in the background!
That new mat really is fun though. While Liam took his nap on Saturday, I got mesmerized by it. Wondering why there were two N's, P's R's and 1's and only one of each other character. Yes, instead of doing the dishes or laundry or cleaning the bathroom or one of the other million things that always needs to be done, I sat there and analyzed Liam's new play mat. :)
I should probably mention that the room is not even close to done. I have plans of rearranging all the furniture and buying some baby gates so the baby can truly roam without worry.

All that chaos on the dining room table was not just mess. I actually got pinterest inspired this weekend and made this:

My plan was to hang in on the front door in the spring and use instead of a wreath, but then I hung it in a blank space in our hallway and it seems to work. Maybe not the exactly colors of the rest of the house, but I think I will keep it.
Stay tuned for more pinterest inspired projects...hopefully soon.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I know I might sound like a broken record, but man Liam just keeps growing up so fast right in front of our eyes.
I feel like it was just last week that his only trick was rolling over. Now all of a sudden, he can move from a laying position to a sitting position, he can pull himself all the way up on his feet and he can crawl! His favorite thing to do is knock down "towers". So building a block tower on the other side of the room is sure fire way to see him get moving!
In an instance we went from being able to just set him down in his room to play while getting a few things done to now being by his side at every moment. Because if you're not, the kid will hurt himself. He has already had a couple knots on the head to prove it!
So the past couple of days have been spent getting the house ready for this next leg of the journey. Bumbers for the tables and outlet covers have been purchased. The swing has been put away so there is more playing space in the front room. The crib has been lowered, so there is no chance he tumbles out now when he is standing. :) The 6 month clothing has been put away (we are now 7 and a half months). The mobile has been transitioned to just a music box. He got his first sippy cup this weekend and is eating more solid foods and just more food in general! This weekend favorite was scrambled eggs.
Every new phase brings me new anxiety. I am now constantly worried about him getting enough play time, food, etc every day. I worry that I am not sending him with the right things to the babysitters while I am at work all day long. I know that everyday I just need to stop and take a deep breath, worry less and enjoy every minute I have with him through every single one of these transitions.

Here are a few pictures of Liam from the past few days. Enjoy.

Proof that he can now pull himself into a standing position.

All cozy and cuddly on a rainy fall day.

Gymboree Class.

Drinking from a sippy cup in his Sunday finest.

Enjoying the fall weather.

Does It Get Any Cuter?

When we went to Greentree on Saturday, there was a photographer there that took this picture for us. It might be the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Check out her website if you are in need of any professional shots.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Need Some Mommy Advice

For the past 3+ months, Liam has been sleeping like a champ. He goes down at night anywhere between 7:00 and 7:30 and sleeps till around 6:00-6:30. Life has been great.
That is until the last week or so. We are having some major sleeping issues and I am kind of at a loss as to how to get this resolved.
We have had a couple of nights where he will fall asleep in my arms after his night time bottle around 7 and then a couple where he is up and playing, happy as can be till about 8:30 or 9.
The trouble comes after he goes down in his crib. From the time he goes down to about midnight, he has been waking up 2-3 times. And when I say waking up, I am not talking about a little disgruntled, rolling around and then going back to sleep waking up. I am taking full fledged, screaming bloody murder waking up! We have tried just letting him scream, but after about 15 minutes or so, it is just unbearable. If we go in and get him, he usually will finally settle himself down and fall asleep in our arms.
So clearly, he is just wanting the attention, but why is he even waking up to begin with? I thought maybe his teeth were bothering him, but he is perfectly fine and his normal self during the day.
Has this happened to anyone else? Any suggestions? I am started to feel like I did the first two months of his life again...

Friday, September 16, 2011

4:30 Wake Up Call

I have come to realize that it is the little things that might make you angry at first, that really make for the best memories.
This morning, Liam woke up at 4:30. His sleeping schedule has just been off the past few days. In my half awake state, I heard banging and it didn't really register. Come to realize later in the morning that was him kicking his mobile up and down, great, I guess we have to take that down now.
Then around 5, I heard him crying. "Not getting that hour of sleep back" I thought to myself. I proceeded to his room to get him and he was standing, yes STANDING! I think that is actually why he was crying. He has never pulled himself up before and I think once he got there it scared him.
So anyway, I picked him up and brought him into bed with us. I know I shouldn't do that, but I figured he is too young still to register it all, at least I hope so...
He lied there with Keith and I and talked and cooed. We gave him a bottle and eventually he feel back asleep all curled up in my arms, just as it was time for me to get up and shower.
As I walked into work this morning, I pictured his little face and his pouty lips all cozied up with me and thought, "oh screw that extra hour of sleep!"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

That Just Happened

Maybe one day I will actually post something that is not just a weekend recap, but since we spend the most time with Liam on the weekend, that is really when all the fun stuff happens.
We had a great time this weekend. On Friday night a friend invited us to a wine tasting in the lobby of his building. He told us it was fine to bring the baby and luckily Avery was there as well, so we didn't feel too out of place. Avery is so fun and so very mobile! It is always great to see her and her parents to give us a glimpse into our future. I actually got some great pictures of her and Liam together this time.
Here she is giving Liam a kiss! (The cutest thing ever)

Keith put the two of them in this chair together and rolled them around. They really don't look too sure of one another, but I promise they liked it. (Sorry for all the repeats, I couldn't pick a favorite!).

The weather continued to be awesome, so on Saturday we enjoyed some time outdoors at the Clayton Art Fair.
On Sunday, Liam and I had a little date and went to our first Gymboree class. It really was a lot of fun. Liam loved "climbing" on all the stuff, playing baby soccer and the bubbles. Everything was going great until we had parachute time and Liam rolled right over to another baby and pulled his hair!! The kid did not agree and started screaming. So that was fun. My first experience of having to apologize for my child's behavior.

We enjoyed the rest of the day with newly purchased bubbles outside at home (I had to spoil him with some presents after class), a BBQ dinner and a long walk. When we were playing at home later that night, Liam crawled! Well maybe not the textbook definition of crawling, but in my book he is definitely getting the job done.  I captured it on video but since I am technologically stupid, I can not figure out how to get it off of Keith's phone and onto my blog! As soon as I figure it out, the video will be posted for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm Not Getting My Hopes Up

I stepped outside this morning to 54 degree weather. Liam was not dressed properly. When I checked Facebook this morning everyone was commenting on how much they love fall and pumpkins and awesome weather and what not. But I am not getting my hopes up. I have seen this before St. Louis. You bring on the cool weather and then a week later, 95 plus again! Although I will take it while I can.

The weekend was lovely and low key as it usually is these days. We spent a day in Innsbrook and then came back to enjoy the weather. We took advantage by taking a few walks and by going to the Greek Festival to enjoy some amazing food.
We also had to bathe Liam in the sink to make sure he enjoyed it with us as much as he did with Grandma. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

But if the fall weather does stay, we will be taking full advantage of it. A lot of activities coming up on the calendar including: Clayton Art Fair, Greentree Festival, Taste of STL, family photo shoot, apple and pumpkin picking and so much more! I am extremely excited for it all as long as the weather cooperates.

On a side note Keith started his new job today. I am so excited for him and his new adventure. Can't wait to see what this will bring!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sink Bath

We have never given Liam a bath in the sink. I am really unsure why. But last night Grandma watched him while Keith and I went to happy hour to celebrate his new job and she texted me these pictures. Looks like we might have to start using the sink because he loved it.

Thursday, September 1, 2011