Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Came Early This Year

Well sort of. We celebrated Christmas with Keith's family the day after Thanksgiving since 4 out of the 5 siblings were in town. Christmas at the Costello household is pure chaos. It's not bad, it is just completely different from what I am used to. At our house, we spread Christmas out as long as possible. Each person slowly opening each gift, making sure everyone in the room can oh and ah over it before the next person gets to open theirs.
I guess when it is 7 children under the age of 8 opening presents, I should expect a whole different scene. Everyone gets their gifts all at once and all at once they are all opened. Just as fast as it started, it is over and there you are amongst 5 rolls worth of crumbled up wrapping paper wondering what the heck just happened.

Really though, it was a lot of fun. I wasn't sure how Liam would handle the chaos or if we would even sit still to open any of his presents, but he was a champ. He took turns sitting in mommy and daddy's lap opening presents and actually seemed genuinely excited each time he got a new one open. After it was all done, he ended up with 7 great new toys, each one making more noise that the next. :)

Here are some pictures from our wonderful early Christmas.
 We are ready for presents!!
 And so are the "big" boys.
 Opening #1.

 Not too sure about it yet...
 I love it Mom!
 Aunt Kristen and cousin Braiden.

 See... pure chaos!

 This wasn't his gift, but he sure did love it. I think I know what Mom and Dad are getting him for Christmas.
 When Kevin and Kyle opened the Thor hammer and Captain America shield, they squealed. Yup, that's right, those were from Aunt Jackie and Uncle Keith. :)
 Liam and cousin Carly sharing.
 Uncle Keith and his godson Colin.
Getting treats from Uncle Kenny.

All in all we had a great holiday weekend. I think Liam is still exhausted from all the "running" around. The kid has been taking some power naps, but I am not arguing!

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