Monday, May 21, 2012

Injury Prone

I guess I should get myself used to it... especially since my husband has informed me as a child he used to bang his head against the concrete sidewalk... Liam is injury prone.
This weekend was a perfect example. I don't know when or if ever you stop hurting so much when you see your children hurt. I just wanted to take all the pain away and endure it for him.
Everything is fine, but here's what went down...

On Saturday night we went to Aunt Amanda's house to celebrate Ceil's (granny's) b-day. The afternoon started fine and Liam actually got to wear his adorable outfit for a couple hours before there was blood stains on it. :(
 Did I mention his legs are already so scratched and bruised up I am considering putting him in pants for the rest of the summer?!
Happy Birthday Granny! Don't mind me, I am just boozing it up!

I didn't see the actual event happen but I guess he was trying to crawl up the concrete stairs on the patio and bit it. We thought at first it was just a bloody lip but later discovered he skinned up this finger pretty bad and CHIPPED HIS TOOTH!! When I saw that, I just wanted to start crying but held it back to try and not freak Liam out even more.
Good thing it is just a baby tooth and hopefully it won't cause him too much irritation and we can let it go till he is a bit older.

If that trauma wasn't enough, injury struck again about 24 hours later!
We were having lots of fun walking about in mommy's shoes...
Oh, hi there!

But the fun wouldn't last for long. I was on the phone and Liam was crawling up and down the couch as he does 100x a day so I wasn't paying too much attention to him. On the way down, he started to fall. I half way caught him but he landed with his left arm all twisted up behind him.
Well he was inconsolable for about 30 minutes. His arm was all limp and he cried hysterically if we tried to move it, so we decided to head to the Urgent Care. They proceeded to give him X-rays where the child wailed unlike anything I have ever seen. I was convinced something was broken. But in true Liam fashion, as soon as the doctor came in to see him, he waved that left arm up almost to say, "Hi Doc, I am fine!". And he was of course!
I feel so exhausted from all of that. And to top it all off we had an open house on Sunday so we spent the rest of the weekend getting the house prepared!

Hey Mom!! I am exhausted too. When is my vacay?

I am ready for vacation... so I will take one. Well a small one at least. We leave Friday afternoon to go out to Innsbrook for the long weekend. Can't wait!

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