Tuesday, May 22, 2012


At our 15 month appointment the doctor asked if Liam was still on the bottle. She told me that it was time to start weaning him off that. She also told me I shouldn't be giving him any juice but I think that is a whole different post.
Of course when she told me I obliged accordingly. However the more I think about it, the more it bothers me and I am also realizing what an impossible task this is going to be.
Now it is not like the bottle is Liam's life line or anything. He rarely takes one during the day anymore, but man does he need that thing at night. Like clock work the kid gets crabby around 6:30. He knows a bottle is coming and he sucks down a good 8 ounces sometimes in 5 minutes flat. But it is not just the milk he is looking for. The bottle seems to be his night time comfort. Some kids latch on to pacifiers or blankets but for Liam it is his bottle. After he drinks the initial bottle, he really needs another one to help put him to sleep, usually falling asleep in his crib with it still in his mouth. It is already a struggle getting him to go to sleep at night, I can't imagine what it would be like without his comfort item.
Now, don't get me wrong, we have tried giving him milk out of sippy cups and multiple types of sippy cups that is. He usually takes one drink and then throws it on the ground with a look on his face like "how dare there not be juice/water in here!". We have pretty much stop giving him any juice so the only thing he gets in his sippy cup is water or milk, but still no dice.
On top of all that, I am really not ready to get rid of the bottle because I feel like he will no longer be a "baby" when he no longer needs his bottle. And that is a sad day for me. Plus I have seen like 4 year old kids at the grocery store with pacifiers in their mouths, this can not be any worse!!
So for now, I continue to give him a bottle at night and go against the doctor's advice. I know at some point we will have to get rid of it, but I am just not ready for that quite yet. I mean how can you deny this little guy what he wants??

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