Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What We Are Up To

Everything. We have been busy, busy, busy! It has been stressful but I am trying to keep a level head about everything going on right now.

My mom finally got out of the hospital this weekend. She was in for a whole week and she won't be able to go back to work until the 25th. I went over to her house yesterday and got her groceries and helped do a few things around the house.
Keith and I both took the day off yesterday to try and get some stuff done around the house. Aside from my 2 hour break with my mom, we both worked for 9 hours straight and when we were done, we honestly couldn't see a difference! So frustrating. We did get the kitchen sink fixed, patched numerous cracks (still need to be sanded and ceilings painted), took a load of clothes from all three parties involved to Goodwill, took a load of storage stuff to my mom's and did countless other organizing and deep cleaning. I am hoping that we can get our house on the market in the next two weeks, fingers crossed.
So on top of getting our house ready, we are also started to think about where we are going to move. We have gone to a few open houses and it has been very discouraging. There is nothing that I have seen that I have fell in love with yet. But I guess that can be a good thing too since we are not 100% ready to buy yet. Keith is working with his mom and with Citi to figure out what our house can go on the market for and exactly what we can afford.

Friday-Sunday were just as busy as yesterday.
On Friday, my brothers and I went to Cards Opening Day and it turned out to be miserable. Cold...wet... and they lost... to the Cubs!!
On Saturday we had our friends and their kiddos over in the afternoon for a Mexican feast. :) So the mornings was spent cleaning/cooking and the afternoon was spent running after children. It was great to have everyone over and see all the kids play together. It was also great to top the evening off with a Blues win!
On Sunday we went to a few open houses and then had birthday dinner for Bill, Karin and JC at my dad's house.

So even though I had a 3.5 day weekend, I did not get much sleep or rest for that matter!
I was going to post an update on Liam as well, but think I will leave you with this for now.
And in the meant time if you know someone looking for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath (1 bedroom and 1 bath are in the basement) home in a great area, let me know! Picture of the house is on the bottom of the blog roll. I will post the official posting once it is up.

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