The bad:
Liam is still rough and tumble and all boy. Which means he is constantly running around like a mad man and testing his limits. He has figured out how to crawl up on the couch, glider, ottoman, etc. by himself. Just that is not all that bad, the bad is that once he is up there he has no bearing of where the piece of furniture ends and he also loves to stand up. We end up saying "On your bottom!" about 50 times a day.
He also sometimes loses concept of where he is resulting in lots of bumps and bruises. While he is still as tough as ever, only letting a giant knock to the head get him down for 30 seconds or so, it is always hard to see the little guy in pain.
I can climb into the chair all by myself... with shovel in hand.
And I've got this getting down backwards thing down pat!
Liam has also developed quite the dramatic attitude and the kid wants what he wants and wants it now. Case in point, he had to have Keith's toothbrush the other day, so I finally caved and gave it to him. Of course two seconds later he was putting it in his mouth which I can not find more disgusting, so I took it away from him. You would have thought I killed his dog... he just stood there and stared me in the eye and wailed for about 30 seconds before moving on to the next thing. It is so hard to not pick him up and comfort him or just give him back the object of that moments affection, but I can't teach him that he can always get want he wants.
What do you mean I can't throw all the mulch you just laid down into the grass??!!
The good: (Don't worry, this list is a lot more extensive :))
Liam has been a giggle monster. It is pretty easy to get him going these days. He still loves playing "I'm gonna get you" and running and hiding from mommy and daddy. He loves different funny faces that we make at him along with a variety of made up songs and noises. (Keith and I did this with each other before baby so really not much has changed now!)
He has become more and more interested in books. His favorite is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and loves seeing the page with the white doggie! He also loves his truck books and now is enthralled whenever a big truck drives down the street.
Is that a truck?!
Liam loves to be outside. For Easter instead of a basket, Liam got a bucket, a shovel and a rake. He could spend endless hours picking leaves up and putting them in his bucket only to dump them back out again. He also loves "raking" the front flower bed. The outside toys have been a great distraction and actually keep him in the front yard so know we can just sit and watch him as opposed to running all over the neighborhood after him.
One toy is not enough!
As far as eating goes, Liam has discovered many new foods. He is doing a lot better of a job eating meat and last night actually ate a whole rib (after I shredded it for him). He also has gotten a lot better with a fork and spoon and usually eats more food when he has a fork in his hand. We still have not been able to get him to drink milk out of the sippy cup, he only will out of a bottle, but I am not too terribly worried about that right now.
We have his 15 month appointment on the 3rd and I will honestly be surprised if he is not off the charts. It seems like he is so much taller than he was at 12 months and is just growing like a weed. Updates to come.