Thursday, November 17, 2011

Doing It All

Last night I had a slight anxiety attack. It was a combination of hearing about the poor Afton baby, being overwhelmed at work, having a dirty house and wanting to spend more time with Liam.

Keith and I watched "The Change-Up" (not really that great) and in the movie Jason Bateman and his wife have a 5 year old and twins under 1. Somehow their house was not only massive but also immaculate. Are you kidding me? There must be a hypothetical maid in this situation right? I would think it would be impossible for two parents working full time with three children to keep a house that clean. Why does Hollywood want me to believe it is that easy to do it all?

Liam woke up at exactly 2:18 am last night. After about 20 minutes of crying, he finally went back to sleep. I thought to myself "this is great, I can still get a good couple of hours of sleep in!" Wrong! Instead of drifting back to slumberland, my mind started racing. I couldn't stop thinking about all that needed to be cleaned in the house, the projects I wanted to get done, the Christmas presents and cards and decorations! Does it ever end? And this is just the stuff at home. I am not even mentioning my overwhelming to do list at work or my very poor attempt at keeping up a social life or my complete lack of an exercise routine.

I only have Liam. What happens when number 2 and 3 come along? I want to make sure that each one of my children experience the same love and attention that he got to expeirence when it was just us.

How do moms do it all? Or are they just really good at looking like they do it all? I barf a little bit in my mouth every time I see a mom dressed in the latest fashion, hair done perfectly, make-up on just strolling through Target with her two well behaved children like it is no big deal. I mean, she must not work full time right? There is no way! :)
Maybe one day this will be me or most likely it will just be me in my dream world. In the meantime, I will struggle to figure out how to come to terms with the fact that maybe I can't do it all. But you bet your a** I will figure out how to get the really important things done. Make Liam laugh out loud at least three times a day, check! Make time for just me and my husband, check! Take a long, hot shower in the morning (my me time), check! Let my baby boy fall asleep in my arms at night, check!

Pictures for the day, Liam enjoying the small things in life, hats and a giant empty box!

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