Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Yes, we went on vacation. Yes, it was almost a month ago. Yes, things have been hectic and Liam and I actually leave for another vacation on Sunday. And No, I have not blogged about any of it yet.
And since, like I mentioned, things have been hectic, here is the summary of vacation:
Table Rock Lake with 4 out of 5 of Keith's sibling and parents for 4 days.
Lake of the Ozarks with the Haarmanns and Bueltmanns for 4 days.

And here are the pictures that were taken... Enjoy!

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Haircut

I'm back! From vacation and a weeks worth + of a cold. I have vacation pictures to post still but today I just wanted to post about Liam's first haircut.
We went to the Hairy Elephant on Saturday and they were great. They had cars and trucks for Liam to sit in and he could watch Mickey. He didn't want to wear the smock and he was pretty fidgety but he didn't cry so that was a plus. They even gave us a great certificate with an after picutre and a lock of hair.
I love the results, although I think he look about 6 months older. I keep looking at him and asking him "Have you seen my Liam?".

Here are some pics:

 Before: Look at that mop!

Ah, I feel sooo much lighter.

 Enjoying his afterwards special treat.
And later that night. Doesn't he look so much older?!